Becky, Helen, Andrea and Steve too: Meet Coral’s bingo crew!


If you’re regular at club Coral Bingo then you’ve probably bumped into one of our friendly happy chat-hosts before. They’re the charming bunch that make sure you’re having the very best of times. Well, we thought you’d like to know a little more about them — so here you go!

Becky — Live, love and laugh!

Becky is a loyal, resourceful yet random person who loves doing things completely out of the blue — especially with friends and kids. She’s a solid rock and firmly believes that you should be there for family and friends. Carpe Diem would be her motto, as she believes that life is too short not to enjoy.

If there’s one song to get the night started for Becky it’s Girl’s Just Wanna Have Fun. A song that embodies Becky’s personality completely! If she’s after some munch then it has to be salad, but a very special one with tomato, avocado, mozzarella and all the trimmings.

Now, if Becky was to become a Disney character, she’d go for Baloo, the fun loving bear. But if she could have any animal as a pet, it’d be a dolphin called Sonar. Fortunately, she’d leave it in the sea — phew. If the dolphin doesn’t work out though, she’d go for a Pygmy goat called Gertie. Aww.

Becky absolutely loves being a bingo chat-host, meeting all-sorts of folk from around the world and being a small part of their lives. When she’s not chatting to our lovely bingo players, she catches the latest soaps, including Corrie, Eastenders and very occasionally, Emmerdale. Gotta be in the mood for it though.

Her favourite choccy bar is Fruit and Nut, but the Double Decker comes a very close second. To accompany her favourite nibble she enjoys a good magazine, but doesn’t really care what, but it’s got to have a free gift.

And if she had one wish. It’d be to grant everyone in the world a wish. Lovely.

Steve — Sociable, with a love of music

Steve is a happy-go-lucky bloke with a love of art, dogs and travel. He loves to get his friends around at the weekend, playing games and generally socialising with his family. If there’s one tune he’d have blasting out at the family get-together it’d be ‘Could You Be Loved’ by the late, but great Bob Marley.

If he could only scoff the same meal for the rest of his live he’d choose pizza — great choice Steve, plenty of choice there! Although he’d probably avoid the seafood pizza as if he had to be any one Disney character, it’d be Sebastian the Crab from the Little Mermaid.

Steve already has his dream pet in the form of Dogue de Bordeaux, Arthur. In his opinion, he’s the best dog going and would contend for dog of the century.

If there’s one thing that Steve loves about being one of our chat hosts it’s the natter and banter. He enjoys keeping The Roomies happy — Steve’s affectionate term for the gang — and wouldn’t swap it for the world. When he’s not busy keeping you guys happy he spends time watching his favourite soaps, Emmerdale, Eastenders and Corrie and would generally tuck into a Bounty, but is a self-diagnosed chocoholic, so it could be more than one!

Top Gear is Steve’s favourite mag, but will he stick with the periodical after the recent line-up changes? Who knows! If only we could read his mind, which in-fact is the power he’d most like to have. Keep out of our heads Steve!

Helen — Old in body, young at heart

Helen might be one of our older chat hosts, but she certainly makes up for it with her youthful outlook towards life. She’s ready to party, but caring and sharing, so won’t hog the dance floor. Family is the most important thing to her and always thinks the best of everybody, no matter what.

If there’s one tune to get her going in the morning it’s Natbush — City Limits. Old, but fantastic. Much like Becky, if there’s one meal she’d tuck into for the rest of her life it’s salad.

Helen, if she had to be any Disney character, would be Snow White, still in search of her prince. Don’t threat Helen, we’re sure you’ll find your knight in shining armour one day. Who wouldn’t love someone with an Elephant called Nellie — Helen’s dream pet. Let’s hope your garage is big enough!

The one thing Helen loves about her job is that every day is different and that every player at Coral bingo puts a smile on her face. She wouldn’t swap it for the world, and we’re certainly glad!

Her three favourite soaps are Emmerdale, Eastenders and Coronation Street. To go with a bit of soaps-action she’s like to tuck into a Mars Bar — who doesn’t! And the magazine for after? Heat.

She wishes only for one thing in life — a wrinkle free face. Helen, you look lovely and we wouldn’t have you any other way.

Andrea — Soul of the party

Fun loving, sociable and the life and soul of the party. Andrea is fantastically popular at Coral bingo. She might be a rocker by night, but by day she loves her down-time with her two Labradors Stanley and Tia. She loves her family and is always there for her friends if they need her.

If there’s one song that’ll get her up on her feet it’s Move On Up, by Curtis Mayfield. She much prefers the extended version which has a particularly enlightening instrumental. Not only does it make her want to dance, but reminds her of younger times. We all love a bit of nostalgia, Andrea.

Greek tuna, feta cheese and black olive salad would be the one meal she’d live on for the rest of her like, but some avocado on top wouldn’t go amiss. Sounds bloody gorgeous. Much like Helen, if she had to be one Disney character it’d be Snow White, because she adores small animals and short men, whom Andrea absolutely adores.

One thing she loves about her job is all the nattering that goes on, alongside making friends with all the roomies. When chilling out she likes to watch Eastenders, Hollyoaks and Corrie, but isn’t a fan of Emmerdale so much. Her favourite choccy bar to go along? Gotta be Cadbury’s Fruit and Nut — much like her, a nut. LOL! She loves a good read of Mind Body and Spirit, and is much into the spiritual side of things. Is there anybody out there? Ghosts, maybe.

Her one and only wish? To create a huge worldwide sanctuary providing love, care and affection for all the lonely and neglected animals out there. That Andrea, has to be the loveliest wish of all.

Well, that’s pretty much everything you need to know about our awesome, amazing chat hosts. Why not head on over and meet them? Who knows, you could be potential bezzies!

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