Would you believe these celebs love bingo?


When it comes to playing bingo, you may think it is just down to our Grannies. Sitting in the hall, serious faces, marker pens tightly in hand, ready for the numbers to be called out.

Then you must not interrupt, no matter what. However, bingo is a lot more popular than you may have initially imagined, not only are there a lot of younger players, but also celebrities. That’s right, some of the biggest names that will have been on your TV’s for years secretly enjoy a game of bingo, here we will give the run down on who the bingo fanatics are, be prepared for a shock.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

The Welsh actress has a genuine fondness of bingo that stemmed from her upbringing in Swansea where she would regularly partake in games with her parents, and the love for the game hasn’t diminished. Her husband, actor Michael Douglas shares her passion, and she has even changed to the US version of the game so that the family can play and so that they can host parties for their friends which includes bingo! A true fan.

Robbie Williams

With several number one singles and albums both as a solo artist and a part of Take That, you would think that Robbie Williams wouldn’t have the time to play bingo. However, the Port Vale fan has been spotted around his local town of Stoke playing bingo on a few occasions and has confessed that the local halls create a great atmosphere. Having been based in LA over recent years we can safely assume that Robbie has continued his passion online, and if you want to follow in his steps, you are only a click away.

Prince William

Perhaps the least surprising on the list. Of course the Royals are in to their bingo, you can even imagine them playing it at home! Nonetheless, the regulars at a hall in Reading were no doubt shocked when the Prince walked in with his friends near their army base at Sandhurst. He even paid £5 for his book of tickets, but didn’t manage to grab any of the prize. Better luck next time Will!

Russell Crowe

The famous Gladiator has long been associated with bingo, after he was reported to have lost his job as a bingo caller in his native New Zealand for using too many rude words! Despite losing his job there, Crowe still likes his bingo, occasionally seen playing and spreading the love to his wife who became hooked on the game when she was pregnant. Not what you expect from a Hollywood hard man!

Cristiano Ronaldo

Yep, that’s right. One of the two best football players on the planet is a bingo fanatic. Well, saying he is a fanatic might be being a bit unfair on the Portuguese champion since he played in his Manchester United days. As a youngster who had headed to the city from Lisbon, Ronaldo played bingo to help him understand English numbers and phrases and admitted the game was exciting! He has since changed a lot from his younger days and we doubt that bingo is top of his list of priorities in his spare time today.

So there you have it, even some of the most famous faces out there can share the same interests as you, they all enjoy a spot of bingo every now and then. It can be an enjoyable time for anyone, whether you play online or in the bingo halls.




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