The psychology behind your decision making

Psychology of decision making


Whatever the results of the quiz, we are all guilty of being drawn in by seemingly simple tricks to help guide our choices. To find out more about the psychology behind your survey results, continue reading:

Sneaky supermarkets:

Supermarkets position the bakery at the back, then pump fresh baking smells through the air conditioning at that end of the store to draw hungry shoppers through the shop to it. Milk is similarly always positioned at the back to make people walk past as many aisles as possible to get there. These are called ‘destination goods’.


Impulse buys:

Retailers know that when you are queuing at the till, your mind wanders – making it the perfect opportunity to encourage you to pick up a final few items to add to your shopping. Small value items, such as sweets, chewing gum and lip balm are all strategically placed to attract shoppers’ attention.


Perfecting your dinner choice:

There can be a lot of pressure when it comes to choosing a bottle of wine to accompany your meal or deciding what you’d like to eat, especially when the waiter is waiting patiently. Restaurant owners are aware of this, and use different tactics to draw your eye to their favoured product. The most profitable items in the menu are bolded or listed in a box, to give the sense it is a special choice. Removing the £ sign before the price also reduces people’s focus on the cost – encouraging diners to spend more.


Gambler’s Fallacy:

Decision making isn’t just down to psychological tactics used by retailers. Gambler’s Fallacy, or the Monte Carlo Fallacy, is the reasoning that a random chance can be affected by previous outcomes. The fallacy got its name from a game of roulette played in a Monte Carlo casino in August 18, 1913. After the ball fell on black 26 consecutive times, players lost millions of francs under the incorrect reasoning that the streak must inevitably be followed by the ball landing on red.

However, all gaming is down to chance, and no matter what seems to be a likely outcome, ultimately there is no way to predict where the ball will land.

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