Joe Tizzard on Native River’s injury and Saturday’s runners at Kempton
The latest insight from the Tizzard stables
NativeRiver’s injury
It was really disappointing for Native Riverto pick up an injury which will keep him out for the season and rule him out ofCheltenham. It was particularly frustrating for the owners, but he has been afantastic horse for them and us over the years and this little blip is just oneof those things.
It’s only a small tear and horses pick upthese kinds of injuries all the time, especially around big races when they areputting in such huge efforts. We are confident that he will be back nextseason in great shape again.
It’s part and parcel of the sportunfortunately and it’s happened before and will happen again. We just need tomove on and carry on preparing the rest of our runners for Cheltenham.
Saturday’s runners
15.35 Kempton – Mister Malarky
Mister Malarky ran well in the LadbrokesTrophy but has been disappointing either side of that race. He has schoolednicely since his last run though and is in as good form at home as he’s everbeen.
He should have a good each way chance here.
16.45 Kempton – Skerries Harbour
Skerries Harbour looks a really nice bumperhorse and has been working very well at home with a horse that finished fourthrecently, Seymour Promise, also at Kempton so that bodes well.
If he runs to his potential it will be really exciting to see and he has a good chance here.