Coral cut odds on SNP election clean sweep


Leading bookmaker Coral has cut the odds on the SNP winning every seat in Scotland at next week’s general election to 8-1 (from 12-1), following further support for total domination for Nicola Sturgeon’s party today.  Coral also go 4-1 that Labour do not win a seat in Scotland, and evens that the Liberal Democrats draw a blank there.

Looking at the wider election picture, Coral are 1-10 that no party wins an overall majority, and 1-4 that the Conservatives win the most seats, although Labour leader Ed Miliband remains odds-on favourite, at 8-13, to be in Number 10 on June 1st.

**SNP to win every seat in Scotland


**Labour not to win a seat in Scotland


**Liberal Democrats not to win a seat in Scotland


 **Scottish Conservative MPs v Pandas

1-2 More pandas in Scotland, 11-2 More Conservative MPs in Scotland, 5-2 Tie

 **Prime Minister on June 1st

8-13 Ed Miliband, 5-4 David Cameron, 20-1 Any other person

 **To win most seats

1-4 Conservatives, 11-4 Labour, 250-1 UKIP, 1000-1 Liberal Democrats,

 **To win an overall majority

1-10 No party, 11-2 Conservatives, 25-1 Labour, 250-1 UKIP, 1000-1 Liberal Democrats

 **Make up of next government

5-4 Coalition involving Liberal Democrats, 8-1 Coalition involving the SNP, 16-1 Coalition involving UKIP, 20-1 Coalition involving the Greens

 **Two elections in 2015

11-4 Yes, 1-4 No

 **Total Conservative seats

5-6 284 or more, 5-6 283 or less

 **Total Labour seats

8-11 268 or more, Evens 267 or less

**Total Liberal Democrat seats

5-6 26 or more, 5-6 25 or less

 **Total UKIP seats

5-6 3 or more, 5-6 2 or less

 **Total SNP seats

8-11 51 or more, Evens 50 or less

 **Total Plaid Cymru seats

11-10 Four or more, 4-6 Three or less

 **Total Green seats

1-3 One or more, 9-4 None


Further Information Contact

David Stevens 07720 400438

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