Conservatives out in front in final Coral Election Forecast
Coral today, 5th May, published its latest and final Coral Election Forecast (CEF) based on the bookmaker’s current odds, which sees small increases in both the Conservative Party and Labour Party seat expectations at the expense of the SNP.
Coral forecasts that the Conservatives will be the largest single party with 283 seats, with the Labour Party seventeen behind them on 266 seats. Coral forecasts that the SNP will win 50 seats, the Liberal Democrats 25 seats and UKIP 3 seats.
However the significant feature of the Coral Election Forecast tracker over the last five weeks is how little has changed during the period, and how the final CEF results vary very little from the first CEF conducted on 7th April.
“Over the last five weeks we have seen considerable betting activity across many marginal constituencies, and in support of candidates from all the major parties, yet the remarkable fact is that the various, contrasting betting moves at a local level have almost cancelled each-other out when it comes to the overall picture provided by the Coral Election Forecast”, explained Simon Clare, Coral Spokesman.
The latest betting patterns on the General Election are fairly symmetrical to the Coral Election Forecast with significant support in recent days for the Conservatives to win most seats, a small share of bets on the Conservatives to win a majority at 6/1, but the odds on a hung parliament still shortening to 1/12.
A twelve grand bet, and many smaller bets, on David Cameron to be Prime Minister on the 1st June prompted Coral to clip Cameron into favouritism at 5/6 in the race for Number 10, just ahead of Ed Miliband who is now priced at Evens.
“In betting terms David Cameron has just nosed ahead of Ed Miliband in the race for Number 10 but by the smallest margin. However, the wide range of permutations and scenarios that appear possible once the dust has settled on 8th May make this the most fascinating and unpredictable General Election betting market,” added Clare.
Notes to Editors:
The Coral Election Forecast (CEF) is a mathematical model that uses Coral’s odds on all 650 constituencies to calculate the likely chances of each party winning each seat which then culminates in a predicted total seat outcome for each party on Election Day. As the odds for constituencies alter so the CEF forecast will alter.
Here is how the weekly CEF has changed over the last five weeks.
Coral Election Betting Forecast Tracker:
5th May 28th April 21st April 14th April 7th April
Con 283 282 278 284 285
Lab 266 264 270 276 264
SNP 50 53 48 36 45
LD 25 25 26 26 27
UKIP 3 3 5 6 7
PC 3 3 3 2 2
Green 1 1 1 2 2
Other 19 19 19 18 18
Coral Election Betting Tracker
To Win Most Seats
5th May 28th April 21st April 14th April 7th April
Con 1/6 2/7 4/9 8/15 4/9
Lab 4/1 5/2 7/4 6/4 7/4
To Be PM on 1st June
5th May 28th April 21st April 14th April 7th April
Cameron 5/6 5/4 Evs 4/5 8/13
Miliband Evs 8/13 5/6 Evs 5/4
Coral Election Betting:
**To Be UK Prime Minister on June 1st
5-6 David Cameron (from 10-11), Evens Ed Miliband (from 10-11),), 20-1 Any other person
**Party To win most seats
1-6 Conservatives (from 1-5), 4-1 Labour (from 10-3), 250-1 UKIP, 1000-1 Liberal Democrats, Green Party
**To win an overall majority
1-12 Hung Parliament, 6-1 Conservatives, 25-1 Labour, 250-1 UKIP, 1000-1 Liberal Democrats
**Make up of next government
5-4 Coalition involving Liberal Democrats,
6-4 Labour Minority,
11-4 Conservative Minority,
11-2 Conservative Majority,
8-1 Coalition involving the SNP,
16-1 Coalition involving UKIP,
20-1 Coalition involving the Greens,
25-1 Labour Majority,
**Two elections in 2015
11-4 Yes, 1-4 No
** Conservative Seats
5-6 287 or more seats
5-6 286 or fewer seats
** Labour Seats
4-6 266 or more seats
11-10 265 or fewer seats
** SNP Seats
Evs 52 or more seats
8-11 51 or fewer seats
** Lib Dem Seats
5-6 27 or more seats
5-6 26 or fewer seats
** UKIP seats
5-6 3 or more seats
5-6 2 or fewer seats