Boris Johnson tops betting to be next Tory leader

Boris odds referendum

Boris Johnson is the new 5-1 favourite with leading bookmaker Coral to be the next Conservative leader after the firm cut his odds from 8-1 following a flurry of bets. The Foreign Minister is 3-1 to ever be Prime Minister, while he is 10-1 to take over from Theresa May as PM by the end of the year.

“The momentum behind Boris Johnson in the betting to be become the next Conservative leader and Prime Minister is growing with every day and as a result of this latest gamble, he is now the favourite to succeed Theresa May in Number 10,” said Coral’s John Hill.

**Next Conservative leader
5-1 Boris Johnson, 6-1 David Davis, 7-1 Jacob Rees-Mogg, 13-2 Phillip Hammond, 8-1 Amber Rudd, 16-1 Ruth Davidson, Damian Green, 20-1 Bar

**Boris Johnson odds

3-1 To ever be Prime Minister

10-1 To be Prime Minister in 2017


Further contact information:
John Hill 07889 645520

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