Jim Crowley: “We know The Grand Visir will finish strongly”

Jim Crowley

Coral ambassador discusses his Saturday rides at Ebor

I ride in two races today, including the Ebor, which I was lucky enough to win last year on Muntahaa.

It is a fantastic race, a really competitive one with great prize money on offer and I am really looking forward to it again this weekend. Fingers crossed I can win it again!

15:00 – Eqtidaar

Eqtidaar won the Commonwealth Cup in 2018 at Ascot and then went onto Haydock on heavy ground and that just didn’t quite work out.

This year he has had the one run, at Leicester, and since then he has had a wind operation.

This is his first run back and whilst he might just need it he is a very talented horse who could easily win this.

We are taking on Laurens but she has a penalty and the trip and track should play into our favour. If he runs to match fitness he will be right there at the finish.

15:40 – The Grand Visir

I was booked for Salouen at the start of the week but now ride The Grand Visir for Ian Williams instead.

He has some good form, winning at Ascot and Doncaster in the last year, and great pedigree too. He has raced twice and York too which will help stand him in good stead.

He stays very well and although he does have a little bit to find on form with the stronger contenders in the race he certainly does have a chance here.

It is such a competitive race and you can really make a case for a number of then. Ian has him in great form, fit and healthy, and we know that he will finish strongly so we have a great chance of running into the frame at the finish.


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