Jamelia hot favourite to be next Strictly casualty


Bookmaker Coral make Jamelia the clear favourite at 1-4 to leave Strictly Come Dancing this weekend. The firm expect either Katie Derham or Kellie Bright to end up in the dance off, chalking them up at 7-1 and 9-1 respectively to leave the competition this weekend.

At the head of the betting, Jay McGuiness remain the firm favourite to win the Glitter Ball trophy at 8-11. Georgia May Foote looks like the only other contestant who can challenge him at odds of 5-2.

In the X Factor, Coral believe Mason Noise will be booted off the show on Sunday night, making him the 5-4 favourite, ahead of Anton Stephans at 11-4. Reggie N Bollie could also be in danger at odds of 3-1. Meanwhile,  Louisa Johnson and Che Chesterman are battling it out at the head of the X Factor betting. The firm make Johnson the 11-10 favourite, with Chesterman priced at 3-1.

**SCD Next Elimination

1-4 Jamelia, 7-1 Katie Derham, 9-1 Kellie Bright, 16-1 Helen George, 18-1 Anita Rani, 22-1 Peter Andre, 66-1 bar

**SCD Winner

8-11 Jay McGuiness, 5-2 Georgia May Foote, 11-1 Peter Andre, 18-1 Anita Rani, 20-1 Helen George, 28-1 Katie Derham, 28-1 Kellie Bright, 100-1 Jamelia

**X Factor Winner

11-10 Louisa Johnson, 3-1 Che Chesterman, 7-2 Lauren Murray, 12-1 4th Impact, 20-1 Reggie N Bollie, 33-1 bar

**Next Elimination

5-4 Mason Noise, 11-4 Anton Stephans, 3-1 Reggie N Bollie, 8-1 4th Impact, 16-1 Lauren Murray, 16-1 Che Chesterman, 66-1 Louisa Johnson

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