Shearer Says: “Terry’s time will soon be up”


When I look at Jose Mourinho this season, I just see a very unhappy man. That could be for a variety of reasons, whether it’s down to John Terry, Roman Abramovich, the Chief Executive or because he didn’t get what he wanted in the summer transfer window, and I think that unhappiness has rubbed off on the players.

Mourinho desperately wanted to sign John Stones because there was always going to come a time when John Terry couldn’t keep going. It came to myself, Thierry Henry, it comes to everyone, and it is coming to John Terry. He has been a terrific servant to the club, their leader on the pitch for many years, but time is catching up with him and they need to replace him.

I can’t remember seeing a team that looked so strong at the end of one season, and then start the next season looking like a totally different group of players. I could understand it if was one or two players were off form, but when it’s nine or ten players off form, it’s baffling. People are starting to point fingers, but I don’t think it’s the fault of one particular individual. It’s the fault of both the players and Jose Mourinho.

“Chelsea are just one good result away from clicking into top gear”

That said, I still think it’s too early to say that they can’t win the title. I just think they are one good result away from clicking into top gear, and when that happens, they are capable of going on a ten game winning streak. Chelsea are going through a tricky period, but I am pretty certain that Man City, Arsenal, and Man United will have a blip at some stage too. But ask me the same question next week, I might be changing my answer.

Chelsea’s next game is against Arsenal and that is an ideal game for a wounded animal. It’s the perfect opportunity to put a disastrous start to the season behind them and put things right against one of their main rivals. If the result goes their way, I think we will see a different Chelsea. Arsenal also have a point to prove after their midweek upset in the Champions League.

They have been criticised left, right, and centre after that performance, so we are going to see two wounded animals going into action this week. It’s obviously a massive game for both sides, but it’s surely a must win game for Chelsea if they are to start closing the gap on City.

“If they don’t take six points from those games, then Rodgers will hear the drums beat”

I thought Liverpool were really poor last weekend against Man United and I couldn’t understand what sort of system they were playing. That first 45 minutes was the worst standard of football I have seen for a long time from both teams but United turned it up a little bit in the second half and deserved to win, but never ever did I think Liverpool were going to get anything out of that game. They brought in Danny Ings from Burnley to score goals, and then ended up playing him on the left wing. Well if that’s the best Liverpool can do, then it could be a long, hard season for them.

Even before a ball was kicked, I didn’t see them finishing in the top four and I’ve seen nothing this season to change my mind. Brendan Rodgers is under pressure and he won’t need anyone to tell him that. After a tough start, on paper the fixture list looks kinder for them, with their next two games at home to Norwich and Aston Villa. But if they don’t take six points from those games, then Rodgers will hear the drums beat.

“Rodgers must take the Europa League seriously”

Most teams in the Premier League think the Europa League is a hindrance and it probably is, if I’m honest. However, with Liverpool highly unlikely to finish in the top four of the Premier League, winning this competition could be their only way of getting into the Champions League so Brendan Rodgers must take it seriously. He needs to win a trophy, and get Liverpool into the Champions League and winning the Europa League would tick both those boxes.

“I am pretty sure you will hear the Newcastle fans show their anger”

I thought Newcastle’s performance against West Ham was embarrassing. From the first to the last minute of the game, I thought they were poor in every department. They had the possession but didn’t do anything at all with it and never looked in danger of scoring.

The pressure is really on when they play Watford, but you just never know with Newcastle. I watched them against Arsenal and they went down to ten men but still showed a lot of courage and fight. What I do know is that they definitely need three points against Watford. If they don’t, then I am pretty sure you will hear the Newcastle fans show their anger.

“City need to learn pretty quickly how to play European football”

I was surprised by the Champions League results this week, especially by Man City given their superb domestic form. City have to learn to play European football at the highest level and until they do they will not progress. Sergio Aguero is key to their hopes and Pellegrini needs to get him on the pitch. I think he is world class and he can make a difference in those big games.

Man Utd also got caught out against PSV but the game was totally overshadowed by the horrific injury to Luke Shaw. He was one of the plus points for Man United this season so it’s such a shame that his season ended that way. I have had three serious injuries myself so I know what he is going through and I wish him well and hope he comes back sooner rather than later.

Then you have Arsenal who wonder why they get through these group stages and then get knocked out in the last 16, well Wednesday’s result is the reason why. I look around at every other European team and every one of them put out their strongest team. They leave their best players out and then wonder why they get beat.

Wenger has obviously got one eye on Saturday’s game against Chelsea but they have no chance of winning the Champions League because they do what they always do. They will qualify out of the group and then they will get a big gun in the next round and get beat.

From what I’ve seen, I think City or Chelsea will go the furthest in Europe. As I said earlier, City need to learn pretty quickly how to play European football and how to beat the big teams. If they can do that, then they might have a squad that can go reasonably far in the competition. Do I put them as one of the favourites? No I don’t, the three favourites are, like every year, Real Madrid, Barcelona, and Bayern Munich. If you are asking me to tip an outsider, it may be Atletico Madrid. That would be an outside bet of mine at the minute, but I am reluctant to look past the big three.

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