Dame Tessa Jowell remains favourite to replace Boris Johnson


Leading bookmaker Coral has installed Diane Abbott at 33-1 to become the next Mayor of London, after she formally launched her campaign to be selected today. However, Dame Tessa Jowell is the party’s biggest hopeful to replace Boris Johnson at 5-2. Her closest rival in the betting is Labour MP for Tooting Sadiq Khan, who is a close second favourite at 4-1, after he also launched his campaign today.

“The race to replace Boris Johnson as mayor of London is hotting up and as the betting stands, it looks it’s Labour’s to lose and although Tessa Jowell is the front-runner, it is by no means a done deal,” said Coral’s Nicola McGeady.

**Next London Mayor

5-2 Tessa Jowell, 4-1 Sadiq Kahn, 8-1 David Lammy, 10-1 Zac Goldsmith, 20-1 Lord Coe, 20-1 Alan Johnson, 25-1 Jon Cruddas, 25-1 Doreen Lawrence, 25-1 Michael Liebreich, 25-1 Boris Johnson, 25-1 Shaun Bailey, 25-1 Eddie Izzard, 33-1 Diane Abbott, 33-1 Ken Livingstone, 33-1 George Galloway, 33-1 Ed Vaizey, 40-1 Lord Sugar, 50-1 bar

**Winning Party

4-11 Labour, 11-4 Conservatives, 10-1 Any Other, 50-1 Liberal Democrats


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Further Information Contact:

Nicola McGeady 07917683784


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